Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Excitement is in the Air!!!

So the past week or so has brought so much excitement!

First, I am so excited to announce that I will be an upcoming aunt again! Shane's sister, Cheyanne, is pregnant with the first grandbaby!! I'm really excited for them and the journey they will be taking.

Second, One of my best friends, Nikki, got engaged and asked me to be a brides maid! I can't wait for their wedding and am so honored to be apart of it.  I couldn't be more excited :)

Finally,  I was able to go to Blacksburg and visit good friends and get my hair done! Horray! In doing my hair, however, I have decided that the upkeep is so difficult and I spend too much money getting my hair highlighted.  So i have made the brave decision to dye my hair back to its natural color (light brown), once my roots have grown out to a point where it is awkward looking.  From there, hopefully I will not be getting my hair colored any more.  I haven't talked to Shane about this, but I don't think he will mind much. We will see how it goes when the time comes, probably in December haha.

New hair:

Oh, I also got to see these wonderful faces this weekend!

This weekend, I also had a profound awakening by God.  I have been consistently saying how I don't like my job and I can't wait until I don't have to do it anymore.  Then I was able to finally pin point why I felt that way.  I feel like to be a manager, you have to be a certain type of person, that I personally can't be.  I don't want to make someone cry, I want to make personal connections and relationships, and I want to be compassionate towards people and make friends.  Well, all of the above are not considered professional for an assistant manager... and that is why I have been struggling so hard.  Then, at church on Sunday, the sermon was partly about being thankful for the spot God has placed you in.  So instantly I was confused as to how I could do that. So I prayed and asked God to intervene.. I said, " God if you want me to quit my job, let this penny land heads up three times when I toss it in the air."  I tossed the penny once.. and it landed on tails.  So I thought, maybe I just didn't pray hard enough.. So I prayed again, harder, more in depth.. and I tossed the penny in the air and lost the penny because I am terrible at catching... When I found the penny, it was tails up.  So i chuckled a bit and thought, " Alright, I get it.. I'm supposed to be here."  Then yesterday, I had the best day of work I have ever had.  I know now why I am there.  I am there to redefine the role of a manager.  I am there to show that you can effectively manage your people while showing them compassion and making friendships and personal relationships.  I can give them a review without hurting their feelings.  I can show Christ's love through the way I manage.  I don't have to be the manager they are trying to mold me in to... I'm here to mold them into the manager God wants me to be.  I am here to be BOLD.

Today was the first day that I am actually excited to go to work.. I know my purpose and how God is going to use me in this season of my life, and I am so excited to deliver. God is good, always.