Monday, December 22, 2014

No presents under the christmas tree

So I realize it has been forever since I have writtwn on here. Part of the reason was that I wanted my next post to be my testimony. However, im still working on it and refining it so that one will be coming later. A few updates that most already know, Shane completed ranger school and continues to amaze me every day with his love for the lord and how he lives to serve Him. Marriage has been absolutely blissful and we are continuing to soak up as much time together as possible because he will be deploying shortly,  which will be our next big adventure and hurtle. I am constantly surprised by how God seems to have made our marriage thrive in the military and through training and prepping for his first deployment but im so thankful for how much we ginuenly love eachother and continue to show each other Christ through marriage. God is so good.

   Now, to what this post is about. I just wanted to share how Shane and I have decided to spend Christmas.  A couple years ago, a friend shared a blog that impacted mine and shanes life and convicted us on a few different levels. It was about a young boy asking his mom why he received presents on Jesus's birthday. This question hit my heart in a big way. How often to I ask for things I don't even need, just because its considered tradition? Now this is not saying that exchanging gifts is wrong. Each person is convicted in different ways, and this is just how Jesus spoke to our hearts. Matthew 25:40 says "and the king will answer them, 'Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.'"

  This makes me so excited! Because now I'm giving presents to Jesus on his birthday! This year, instead of buying presents, we are buying military grade blankets and hand warmers and im cooking a hot meal. On christmas, shane and I will be in downtown olympia handing them out to the homeless. Ive never appreciated christmas more and its significance.

  I'd like to say thank you to all my family for being so understanding and loving in our decision to not give gifts. A big shout out to my mom who still sent me some bomb pots and pans (she has this uncanny instinct as to what I need) and to my dad who sent some christmas money. I am so blessed by the amazing family I have and love you all so much.