Wednesday, October 30, 2013

5 Flights and One 10 Hour Car Ride Later

Hey everyone!

So sorry for the lack of updating on my part.. It had definitely been a busy time in my life.  So some updates are that I have been able to visit Shane 3 times! This is where the title comes from hah.  What a blessing time has been to the both of us.  Through this experience of being apart, it has truly brought us together.  Not only in how much we miss each other, but in how much we rely on God to get us through everything and to be our true joy in life.  While this time apart has definitely been difficult, it has truly been a blessing.  It gave us time to take a step back and see how much we appreciate each other and love each other, but most importantly, it gave us each personal time to grow in our individual walks with God which has been the biggest blessing of all.  A lot of times, when people grow, its apart because their focus isn't on the same thing.  But while Shane and I have grown individually, it has brought us closer together; more than I thought possible, because we are both focused on God being at the center of our marriage.  It really has been beautiful to watch and to see how God is working in both of our lives every day. 

Some updates on Shane are that he has finished basic training, and just recently finished airborne school (you know, the part where he jumps out of planes).  So he is now officially an Airborne Infantry man!  I couldn't be more proud of all that he has come to accomplish.  Even more than what he has accomplished, I am proud that while surrounded by an environment that is dark and not very encouraging, Shane continued to be a light to those around him.  He truly relied on God and grew so much and I could see it.  Every letter he wrote to me was dripping with faith and encouragement and I was and am amazed at the work God is doing through him.  Shane is now waiting to go off to Ranger Assessment and Selection Process which is going to be the most difficult thing he has done by far.  He starts November 7th and will be done around mid January.  Although it may be difficult for him, I have no doubt in my mind that he will make it though.  He was born with the ability to do this and is relying on God's strength to get him through this, so I have no fears.  As time is drawing near to finally get to live with him again, I find myself antsy.. A part of being in the military is the cloud of uncertainty that comes with it.  That cloud being that we won't even get to know where we will be going until the day they tell him he has made it into Ranger Battalion.  So there are no plans as to where we will be living, although, I am just excited to be with him again for longer that a period of 3 days.  So send some prayers his way for this next phase of training he is about to enter.  And send him an encouraging text if you want, or a call. :)

My job has been very tasking but more enjoyable lately.  I am done with my training and am now an assistant manager!  But, because we don't know where we will be living, I am just an extra manager at the store I was training in because they can't place me anywhere.  Granted there are still some challenges and emotional hurdles that I have to get through with this job, I am still trying to find joy and be the manager I want to be.  Now that fourth quarter has gotten here, it is getting crazy in the retail world.. once black Friday hits, i will be working 6 days a week.. yikes.. I'll definitely be needing God's help with this one.  Something that did rub me the wrong way though, is that we will be opening at 8pm on Thanksgiving day.. I just wish we could go back to the days when everything was closed on holidays AND Sundays... what ever happend to family focus?  So now, people will be leaving their homes at 6pm on Thanksgiving to stand in line to shop.  Call me crazy, but that doesn't really sound awesome to me.  And being on the working side of retail, it means that I won't get to be with family on Thanksgiving.. So I think retail is not very family oriented.. I think that once my job here comes to an end, I will not be reentering the retail industry.

Some exciting news about my sister-in-law, she is almost 20 weeks and finds out the sex of the baby on Tuesday!! I can't wait to hear about it!  She has been another big blessing in my life.  Not only is she my sister-in-law, but while Shane has been away, she has become a very good friend.  I love the fact that we talk all the time, because there are some things that I ohh and ahhh over with her, that Shane would just not appreciate in the way I would want him to hahah I guess its just a girl thing.  And really I wouldn't want Shane to have the same reaction as Cheyanne because I fell in love with him because of how manly he is haha as weird as that may sound, I love the fact that he is basically a lumber jack.  But it has been nice to get such a wonderful friendship formed with family :) Love you Chey!

Ok, so here is my last little bit.  I just recently read the book alliegant (the very last book to the divergent trilogy) and have never been so upset with an ending before.  Upset to the point where I wanted to start writing books, but as you can tell from these posts, I would need a really good editor.. whoops.  I cried I was so upset.  The reason I like young adult books is because they are supposed to leave you with a feeling of hope and love and this ending crushed my dreams. But maybe I will read it again and feel differently.. but I need some time before I can read it again haha. Just a quirk about me, I really get into books.  I submerse myself into the story, its like a retreat.. im a book worm, who would have guessed.

Thats all for now :) and I'll try not to make it so long before a do another one of these.

p.s. maple is still spoiled, I died my hair brown, and lost 15 pounds.. so far. :)