Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Going, going, gone

It is hard to believe that another year of being married to shane has gone by. I look at my wedding pictures and feel like it was just a few weeks ago; Nope, two years.

It amazes me how much I learn and grow by being married to shane and having a dog. For example, if there is a space under your fence for the dog to get out, cardboard boxes will not help to keep him in and you should expect a call from your brand new neighbors while you are at work (my lesson of the day today). They were super nice though so that was cool but I did find out that the old couple across the street are not very nice (Mr. Wilson type guy) so I have to steer clear of them.

On the more serious side, although shane and I only spent 3 months of this whole last year together, I feel like we couldn't be stronger. Not only in our relationship with each other, but in our personal relationships with God as well. I learned to be patient (disclaimer: I have not master this, especially when I am hungry). Waiting two weeks for a response to a question you wrote in a letter is definitely not optimal but we got through. I learned to start controlling my emotions (again, still working on this when im hungry). Shane has so much going on with work and the responsibilities of being the lease of our household. I dont want ro mal his job any harder. He left yesterday for ranger school and we are back to letter writing do four + months. No matter how sad I felt, I constantly tell him how proud I am of him and how good he will do and I encourage him in his endeavors for the Lord. I refuse to be a wife who brings her husband down and I strive to always lift shane up; to be his helper. I learned to forgive easily and apoligize quickly. When you have limited time with someone, the last thing you want is to spend that Tim being upset with one another. Most importantly, I learned to fully rely on God for my needs. I see any time with shane as a huge blessing but my heart belongs to Jesus and he keeps my cup filled <3 its nice to never have to worry about a deployment or training school with God,  He never leaves and that is my greatest comfort!

We were definitely blessed by shane being here to move in and spend the first night in our home together, and we even got 2.75 hours of our anniversary together before I dropped him off! I soaked in every second :) here he is off to ranger school:

What a year it has been and im so excited for what the next year of marriage will bring :) God has some big plans for us here, i can already tell.

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